“I measure success in terms of the contributions an individual makes to her fellow human beings.” Margaret Mead
“The 2021 Futures of Education report calls for a new social contract for education, with recognition of an extended right to education throughout life. It represents an important restatement of the principles of UNESCO, and particularly its historic focus on our shared humanity, the universal right to education and its rich potential in addressing social, economic and political challenges” UNESCO.
In this workshop we will share how to arise the willing of learning & how to facilitate groups , knowledge and strategies to engage adults.
Fostering curiosity, playmood and the value of knowledge to contribute in the development of a better word and the quality of personal life and wellbeing.
By completing this course, you will be able to:
The approach will be practical, experiential and based on an analysis of reality and the group concerns. Mainly, we will work on the forms of a role play, drama methods, group dynamics, brainstorming and assembly, encouraging reflections and creativity in order to expand some options and alternatives for action. 80% practice and 20% theory, by using multimedia presentations, videos and additional training materials, learning will be conducted in a relaxed atmosphere for all participants.
Additionally, the course follow-up strategy will be proposed to all the teachers in order to monitor the implementation of good practices in their schools based on the knowledge, skills and competencies gained by them during the workshop.
100% funded by the Erasmus+
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