Soft skills for strong teachers


Teaching is not just about reading out what’s in the textbook or covering the syllabus on time. It is much more complex than that. To become a good teacher, you need to have what is referred to as Soft Skills, those skills that many studies and research have proven how much they are directly linked to success.

In the education sector, Soft Skills such as communication, leadership, flexibility/adaptability, teamwork, interpersonal skills, problem solving, work ethic, etc. are an important and crucial means that characterizes relationships with other people (students, school staff, parents, the community …  and makes it successful.

This course is designed to help educators deepen their understanding of Soft Skills and provide them with the best tools that will help them transform the prevailing theories into practical experiences into every facet of the school day.

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The course will help the participants to:

  • Improve and facilitate communication and active listening
  • Improve public speaking, organization, time management
  • Acquire knowledge and tools about teamwork
  • Boost creativity and problem-solving skills
  • Gain insight into the principles of leadership and collaboration
  • Reflect upon motivation and how to foster it
  • Master concrete tools and activities to be used with the pupils to support them to develop their Soft Skills
  • Use emotional intelligence as a tool to involve, motivate and support students

  • A blend of lecture format and practical activities.
  • Assembly and small groups.
  • Discussions.
  • Role-plays.
  • Experiential training.
  • Learning-by-doing.
  • Best practices’ exchange.
  • Morning Wrap-up.
  • Daily evaluations.
  • Creative games.
  • Throughout the course, participants are encouraged to reflect on their own practice, consider alternative practices and try out a variety of classroom activities through lesson planning, workshops and presentations.

The general aim of this course:

  • Empowering teachers, trainers, headmasters and other education staff to improve their soft skills thus fostering excellence in education.
  • Exchanging best practices and experiences.
  • Making contacts with individuals and organizations working in the education field in Europe through everyday cooperation, networking and team-building activities.


Our Pricing

100% funded by the Erasmus+

400 person

Services included

  • Pre-arrival information.
  • Tuition & training materials.
  • Coffee break.
  • Training Certificate.
  • Europass Certificate.
  • Admin & organizational costs.
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