The course is about expanding knowledge on the Erasmus+ 2021-2027 programme and for improving skills on writting proposals to Key Action 1 (Mobility Project) and Key Action 2 (Cooperation Project).
We do beleive that Erasmus+ programme is the cornerstone of any strategy focusing on educational system in the member states and should deeply influence all teachers in Europe. This course has been designed to take the best profit of the Erasmus+ 2021-2027 tools and methodologies aiming at supporting the participantion of Applicants. This is the objective of the first day sessions.
2 relevant KA1 and KA2 Good practices will be reviewed during the second day sessions and will give attendees the possibility to evaluate, step by step, complete successful proposals. Representative of the main beneficiary (KA1 Good practice applicant) will join the course for a detailled presentation of their experience.
Finally, the 2 last days sessions are thought for working on real case figures of KA1 and KA2 proposals. A set of exercises is been implemented to guide this progression in the preparation and submission of proposals.
Being familiar with the Erasmus+ 2021-2027 programme is by now a strict requirement for any educational system and for all HEI in Europe, that is why delivering such kind of course to teachers and educational institutions is highly recomended.
The participant knows how to:
• manage all tools and methodologies setup by the Erasmus+ programme to support applicant
• manage all steps for KA1 and KA2 proposals (main HEI requirements for applying, preparation phase, writing proposal and electronic submission process)
• implement a short and long terms mobility and cooperation strategy for their own HEI once finalized the course
This training course is based on a Learning by doing process.
The Course is divided into 2 blocs of 2 days’ duration; learning from E+ programme and Good practices and enhancing skills through a set of exercises for writing E+ proposals. Attendees are going to produce KA1 and KA2 proposals following the guidelines provided during the first 2 days.
We expect that all attendees get suffisant knowledge to be further on confident with the application form and requirement for participating to the Erasmus+ programme. This capacity building process is meant as the result from the continuous exchange of knowledge between the course attendees and tutor, from the improvement of skills to address complex and time consuming activities for applying and competences to implement a short and long terms strategy for their concrete educational environment.
The participant:
• Access to updated information on Erasmus+ 2021-2027 programme in general and on KA1 and KA2 in particular
• Access to successful practices from Key Action 1 (Mobility Project) and Key Action 2 (Cooperation Project). Representative of the KA1 Good practice applicant will share direct knowledge with the course attendees.
• Apply the knowledge gained to concrete case studies
100% funded by the Erasmus+
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