Team Leading in Education


“Maps are the most important documents in human history, they give us tools to store and exchange knowledge about space and place”. Brené Brown. Emotions are maps of our deeper self, we experience our reality using them as a filter. This course offers strategies for the integration, recognition, name and make a sense of our emotions and experiences and how we can implement the following in a classroom:

1. Understand how emotions show in our bodies (biology)

2. Get curious about how our families and communities shape our connections (biography)

3. Examine our actions (behaviour) 4. Recognise the context of what we are thinking and feeling (backstory)

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  • The participant will actively learn how to maintain the attention and motivation of students throughout a creative class and learning process;
  • The participant will experiment with soft art therapy techniques easily applicable to people of diverse cultural backgrounds and abilities.
  • Participants will promote resilience, increased self-esteem and minority integration.
  • Participants will enhance resilience, creativity and collaborative skills and stimulate lateral thinking through group and individual projects.

The methodology of the course focuses on the experiences and needs of the group. The training will follow mainly practical approaches; visualizations, individual and group activities and movement, theatrical improvisation, collage, writing, painting, art therapy as part of the course; participants will learn to apply these techniques in different phases of their daily routines. We will also create collaborative art projects (e.g., using objects from the street, storytelling and practicing non-verbal forms of communication). Through artistic expression, we will transcend language and cultural barriers and work to better understand one another.

1. Knowledge

The participant:

    • Unlock patterns of thinking that we use every day, develop ingenuity in participants and learn how to pass it on to their students.
    • They will learn the power of all art forms to promote wellness, resilience and empathy, as well as personal development;
    • Understand how to use art, drama, music and movement as a tool to promote inclusion among students.
    • Practice strategies to foster emotional and creative collaboration among students.

    2. Skills

    The participant knows how to:

    • Experiment with artistic techniques to find a positive relationship between teacher and student.
    • Exchange project ideas and didactic tools with other teachers to develop an inclusive creative arts curriculum.
    • Use different methods to apply creative solutions in their professional life while discovering their creative resources.
    • Understand and consider different ways to interpret and teach creatively;
    • Practice strategies to foster emotional and creative collaboration among students.
    • Unlock patterns of thinking that we use every day, develop ingenuity in participants and learn how to pass it on to their learners
    • Learn the power of all art forms to foster well-being, resilience and empathy, as well as personal development;
    • Understand how to use art, drama, music and movement as tools to promote inclusion among students.


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    Our Pricing

    100% funded by the Erasmus+

    400 person

    Services included

    • Pre-arrival information.
    • Tuition & training materials.
    • Coffee break.
    • Training Certificate.
    • Europass Certificate.
    • Admin & organizational costs.
    Register here

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